Evolution of electronegativity during the E to H transition in RF inductively coupled plasma using Impedans’ Langmuir Probe System

Inductively coupled array (INCA) discharge using Impedans’ Semion RFEA System and Octiv VI Probe

Design and characterization of a plasma chamber for improved radial and axial film uniformity using Impedans’ Langmuir probe system

Effect of substrate biasing on the ion properties of a magnetron sputtering system using Impedans’ Semion RFEA System and Octiv Suite 2.0 VI Probe

In-Orbit Demonstration of Novel Thruster, characterized by Impedans Semion Retarding Field Energy Analyzer

Investigation of the performances of the microwave plasma source ‘Aura-wave’ by Impedans Langmuir Probe System

Using Impedans Semion RFEA System to measure the effect of gas pressure on Ion Energy in a very-high frequency (VHF) magnetron sputtering discharge.

Analysis of 13.56 MHz and 40 MHz capacitively coupled nitrogen plasmas

Study of SiO2 sputter etch rate in RF-Biased ICP discharge.

The Pi-shaped Matching Network

The L-shaped Matching Network

Octiv API