Experimental investigations on time resolved characteristics of pulsed inductively coupled O2 /Ar plasmas using Impedans Langmuir Probe.

Impedans Semion RFEA System is used in Silicon etching in a pulsed HBr/O2 plasma – Ion flux and energy analysis

Experimental characterization of a vacuum arc thruster using Impedans’ Semion Pulsed DC retarding field energy analyzer

Ion angular distribution measurement with a planar retarding field analyzer

The effect of driving frequency on the IVDF in a magnetron sputtering system using Impedans’ Semion RFEA System

The magnetic asymmetry effect in geometrically asymmetric RF capacitively coupled plasmas, characterized with Impedans’ Octiv Suite 2.0 VI probe and Semion RFEA system

Characterization of a DC, CO 2-H2 Plasma using Impedans’ Langmuir Probe System

CubeSat ion thruster characterization using Impedans’ Semion Pulsed DC retarding field energy analyzer

A prospective microwave plasma source for in situ spaceflight applications characterized using Impedans’ Langmuir probe system

Tailored ion energy distributions at an rf-biased plasma electrode using Impedans’ Semion RFEA System

Analysis of electron properties of an emissive cathode using Impedans’ Langmuir probe system

An experimental and analytical study of an asymmetric capacitively coupled plasma used for plasma polymerization using Impedans’ Octiv Suite 2.0 VI probe