Measuring Ion Velocity Distributions and Ion Energy Distributions using Retarding Field Energy Analyzers (RFEAs)

Investigation of ion ejection from a mini-helicon thruster using a Semion retarding field energy analyzer

Characterization of SiO2 pattern transfer in an ALE process using the Semion RFEA

Ion energy and angular distributions measured in a planar Ar/O2 ICP using the Semion RFEA system

Using Plasma Radio-Frequency Harmonic Emission for Clean Endpoint and Small Open Area Etch Endpoint Detection

Determination of ion and neutral deposition rates using a quartz crystal microbalance and a gridded energy analyzer

Measurement of deposition rates and ion energy distributions using the Quantum System

Characterization of HiPIMS plasma via process compatible measurement probe

Ion velocity distribution measurement through high-aspect ratio holes using the Semion system

Impedans Langmuir Probe is used to measure the negative ions in an electro-negative plasma

Impedans Langmuir Probe and Octiv Suite are used to study the time dependencies of pulsed inductively coupled Ar and Ar/CF4 discharges

Impedans Langmuir Probe and Octiv Poly are used to study the nonlocal electron kinetics and spatial transport in radio-frequency two-chamber inductively coupled argon discharges