The semiconductor industry is driven by the demand for integrated circuits or ‘chips’ that power electronic devices. More and more devices require chips as the internet of things gathers pace. Manufacturing chips is a feat of modern engineering, with over a billion transistors created on each one. Feature dimensions are only 10’s of atoms in scale and set to reduce significantly at each new node.
Impedans offer a range of products suitable for monitoring your semiconductor plasma processing equipment. We have products suited for research and development work such as process development or new tool design. We also have products for live monitoring of process tools in the fab during production.
How do ions actually behave inside a commercial plasma tool? Here we summarize published data where the Impedans Semion RFEA was used to characterize commercial plasma tools, measuring their ion energy and ion flux behaviours in different process conditions. You can see data from Applied Materials tools, AMAT AdvantEdge, AMAT Centura DPS, various Oxford Instruments tools and more.
There are three key performance indicators for the matching network; the match impedance range, the match quality and the match efficiency including the internal resistance. The Octiv VI probe is the ideal product for characterizing the matching network in terms of these three parameters. These in-line sensors are used to study the electrical characteristics of the resulting plasma.
LAB RFx is our advanced RF calibration laboratory. It houses our RF calorimetric power standard and RF impedance standard, used for calibrating our range of high precision power, impedance and voltage/current sensors. Our advanced techniques for RF standards transfer deliver the most accurate RF sensors available on the market.
The atomic layer deposition market for More-than-Moore (MtM) applications totaled US$345 million in 2020. In the coming years, the ALD equipment market is expected to grow at an annual rate of 12% between 2020 and 2026, reaching US$680 million in 2026.
Chip shortages across all markets and MtM devices have pushed manufacturers to announce fab capacity expansion worldwide.
Below notes highlight research using the Octiv VI and RFEA probes for characterization and optimization of next generation plasma processes used for chip manufacturing.
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